History of Egypt IVF Registry
Egypt is the first African country to introduce ART and to have a Registry. The introduction and establishment of IVF registry in Egypt was accomplished by the legendary Dr Ragaa Mansour in 1999
The first design forms of ART cycles initiated in Egypt were prepared by The International Working Group for Registers on Assisted Reproduction (IWGROAR)
Then the International Committee for monitoring ART (ICMART) had organized a workshop in Cairo to disseminate tools for data collection and train people to develop national and regional registries in the Middle East. 139 specialists, 97 ART centers, 14 countries in the Middle East participated. 32 centers, 8 countries completed ART results in 2000. Data included 1,778 ART, 14,562 ICSI cycles, and 1030 frozen thawed cycles and 45 GIFT cycles
Dr Ragaa Mansour (Head of Egypt ART Registry) sent forms to each ART clinic in Egypt to be completed voluntarily. Data came directly to Egyptian registry anonymously. Forms were designed to have information on number of treatments and pregnancies for (1) ART, (2) ICSI (3) GIFT, and (4) Frozen ET for indicated cycles, aspirations, transfers, pregnancies, and deliveries Data on aspirations, pregnancies and deliveries by woman’s age category were requested. Data on the number of transferred embryos for fresh and frozen embryo transfer were obtained. The forms collect data on gestational age by treatment and multiple deliveries, neonatal outcome (Live birth, still birth, and neonatal death), pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), treatment complications, and congenital anomalies
Egypt data across years were presented in international journals. Further, Egypt data were presented as part of ICMART annual reports
From year 2013, Egypt data has become part of ANARA (AFRICAN NETWORK AND REGISTRY FOR ART). ANARA has been involved in data collection from Africa from 2013 onward. Website and registry access: WWW.ANARA-AFRICA.COM
Professor Eman Elgindy became the director of Egypt IVF Registry from November 2020 till now

Assisted Reproductive Technology in Egypt, 2001: results
generated from the Egyptian IVF registry